Would You Lend Your Toothbrush? (Heather Brazier)


Would You Lend Your Toothbrush? (Heather Brazier)

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Would You Lend Your Toothbrush? (Heather Brazier)

Would You Lend Your Toothbrush? (Heather Brazier)

Category :  others


Format :  paperback

352 pages

ISBN :  0-00-638054-9

Publisher :  HarperPerennial 1995

Edition :  1st

Dimension :  204x135x23mm

Weight :  278g

Condition :  good

Book Summary : 

As Heather Brazier noted in her introduction to Which Do You Prefer: Chunky or Smooth? "This is the kind of book that can never be completely finished. There will always be one more statistic to find. One more quirky fact to uncover ..". Not just one, but hundreds of new Canadian trivia tidbits, claims to fame, regional distinctions, fascinating foibles and of course, eye-enlarging endings to that modest little query, "Did you know that on an average day in Canada ..". have now been fearlessly gathered in Heather Brazier's new Would You Lend Your Toothbrush?