What the baby knew (Ingrid Weaver)


What the baby knew (Ingrid Weaver)

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What the baby knew (Ingrid Weaver)

What the baby knew (Ingrid Weaver)

Collection :  Intimate Moments

Category :  Novel


Format :  Paperback

251 pages

ISBN :  0-373-07939-7

Publisher :  Silhouette Books 1999

Edition :  1st

Dimension :  168x105x18mm

Weight :  131g

Condition :  good

Book Summary : 


Ex-navy SEAL Quinn Keelor had never been rattled by small things. After all, he'd been trained to carry out grand and highly dangerous missions. But a baby on his doorstep? Left in his protective care? This promised to become the most challenging assignment of Quinn's life....


Until a beautiful stranger came to Quinn's aid—and turned out to be no stranger at all. But this Rachel Healey had nothing in common with the shy, plain girl who'd had a teenage crush on Quinn. Except that she'd never lost her knack with children. Suddenly Quinn's challenges multiplied. Not only did he have to keep the baby safe; now he had to shore up the fortress he'd deliberately built around his heart.