Twist (John Lutz)


Twist (John Lutz)

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Twist (John Lutz)

Twist (John Lutz)

Category : Novel


Format : paperback

480 pages

ISBN : 0-7860-2829-7

ISBN 13 : 978-0-7860-2829-0

Publisher : Pinnacle Books 2013

Edition : First

Dimension : 189x102x33mm

Weight : 305g

Condition : fine

Comments : the back his used

Book Summary :

Kill. . .Or Be Killed
Frank Quinn is a decorated ex-cop. A former homicide detective specializing in tracking serial killers. Now his niece, Carlie Hobbs, needs help. Someone is stalking her, and the NYPD can't stop him. A blonde, blue-eyed beauty, Carlie fits the victim type of the killer who's been terrorizing women--leaving them bound, gagged, and tortured with surgical precision. To win against the most personal adversary of his career, Quinn will have to set the perfect trap. All he needs is the perfect bait. . .