the UneXplained : An Illustrated Guide to the World's Natural and Paranormal Mysteries (Dr Karl P.N. Shuker)


the UneXplained : An Illustrated Guide to the World's Natural and Paranormal Mysteries (Dr Karl P.N. Shuker)

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the UneXplained : An Illustrated Guide to the World's Natural and Paranormal Mysteries (Dr Karl P.N. Shuker)

the UneXplained : An Illustrated Guide to the World's Natural and Paranormal Mysteries (Dr Karl P.N. Shuker)

Category :  Others/Miscellaneous


Format :  Hardcover

224 pages

ISBN :  1-85868-186-3

Publisher :  Carlton Books 1998

Dimension :  290x235x20mm

Weight :  1139g

Condition :  very good

Dust Jacket Condition :  good

Book Summary : 

An international, geographically structured survey of mysterious, unexplained phenomena from various regions of the globe ranges from the natural world, to the extra-terrestrial, to the paranormal, written in a non-sensationalized style that provides the facts of each case succinctly and accurately.