The Tommyknockers (Stephen King)


The Tommyknockers (Stephen King)

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The Tommyknockers (Stephen King)

The Tommyknockers (Stephen King)

Category :  Novel


Format :  Hardcover

558 pages

ISBN :  0-399-13314-3

Publisher :  G. P. Putnam's Sons 1987

Edition :  1st

Dimension :  243x160x45mm

Weight :  939g

Condition :  very good

Dust Jacket Condition :  good

Book Summary : 

Writer Bobbi Anderson becomes obsessed with digging up something she's found buried in the woods near her home. With the help of her friend, Jim Gardener, she uncovers an alien spaceship. Though exposure to the Tommyknockers who piloted the alien craft has detrimental effects on residents' health, the people of Haven develop a talent for creating innovative devices under its increasingly malignant influence.