The Ice-Cream Cone Coot and Other Rare Birds (Arnold Lobel)

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The Ice-Cream Cone Coot and Other Rare Birds (Arnold Lobel)

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The Ice-Cream Cone Coot and Other Rare Birds (Arnold Lobel)

The Ice-Cream Cone Coot and Other Rare Birds (Arnold Lobel)

Category :  Youth (Vintage)


Format :  Hardcover

44 pages

ISBN :  0-8193-0443-3

Publisher :  Parents' Magazine Press 1971

Edition :  1st

Dimension :  262x190x10mm

Weight :  271g

Condition :  good

Book Summary : 

Describes in verse such unusual birds as the shuttercluck, the milkbottle midge, the waterglass goose, and the highbutton bobolink.