The g.i. diet ; the easy, healthy way to permanent weight loss (Rick Gallop)


The g.i. diet ; the easy, healthy way to permanent weight loss (Rick Gallop)

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The g.i. diet ; the easy, healthy way to permanent weight loss (Rick Gallop)

The g.i. diet ; the easy, healthy way to permanent weight loss (Rick Gallop)

Category :  Health and Wellness


Format :  Paperback

178 pages

ISBN :  0-679-31056-8

Publisher :  Random House Inc. 2001

Edition :  1st

Dimension :  215x140x13mm

Weight :  276g

Condition :  good

Book Summary :

The book that first popularized the glycemic index, and brought widespread attention to how dieting based on this index is the foundation for losing weight permanently without feeling hungry, counting calories, or jeopardizing your arteries. And the book that made dieting as simple as a traffic light: Green is go, yellow is proceed with caution, and red is stop.

Backed by the science of the glycemic index, The G.I. Diet places every type of food into one of three color-coded categories: Green—make these foods the centerpiece of your diet; Yellow—eat occasionally, after you've achieved your ideal weight; and Red—avoid. For example, quickly digested white bread, including bagels and rolls, causes blood sugar to spike and hunger to return quickly. It's "red." Slowly digested stone-ground whole-wheat bread, which gives a much-longer feeling of satiety, is "green." The diet is a cinch to stick to, truly healthful, and couldn't be easier to follow. Includes recipes, snack ideas, a shopping list, and tips for dining out.