The discovery of the Titanic (Dr. Robert D. Ballard)


The discovery of the Titanic (Dr. Robert D. Ballard)

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The discovery of the Titanic (Dr. Robert D. Ballard)

The discovery of the Titanic (Dr. Robert D. Ballard)

Category :  Dictionnary an reference books


Format :  Hardcover

238 pages

ISBN :  0-670-81917-4

Publisher :  Viking / Madison Press Books 1997

Dimension :  283x225x20mm

Weight :  1045g

Condition :  very good

Dust Jacket Condition :  missing

Book Summary : 

This book describes the discovery of the Titanic in a perfect way. Besides telling the sad story of her maiden voyage, that ended so tragically, Dr. Ballard describes his own struggle to complete his long time wish to find Titanic. He talks about troubles raising funds, the tragedy of almost losing the discovery to another expedition and the very exhaustive and mostly boring search. But also about the joy of finally finding the wreck and his emotions during all of this. All this is told from a integer point of view, also crediting the other people for their part in the discovery. The book includes many photographs and two nice full-color foldouts of the wreck. This new edition also includes a chapter in which Dr. Ballard comments on more recent visits, conducted by others, to the Titanic and his views on the (commercial) salvaging of Titanic wreckage.