The Chosen (Sharon Sala)


The Chosen (Sharon Sala)

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The Chosen (Sharon Sala)

The Chosen (Sharon Sala)

Category :  Novel


Format :  Paperback

378 pages

ISBN :  0-7783-2220-3

Publisher :  Mira 2005

Edition :  1st

Dimension :  170x105x27mm

Weight :  184g

Condition :  good

Book Summary : 

Respected Washington, D.C., journalist January DeLena is positive the threads of each victim's disappearance are intertwined. But who's behind these horrific crimes? All signs point to the man who calls himself The Sinner-a disturbed homeless man trawling the streets of the nation's capital luring victims into his fanatical world of salvation and redemption. January can't keep her suspicions private. And soon she's got the ear-and the interest-of homicide detective Benjamin North. But January has a secret. One that places her directly in the path of the twisted, self-proclaimed messiah's rage. Suddenly, getting this story has January and Benjamin headed to hell and back.