Teacups & Sticky Buns - Mom's Story (Tom Culligan)


Teacups & Sticky Buns - Mom's Story (Tom Culligan)

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Teacups & Sticky Buns - Mom's Story (Tom Culligan)

Teacups & Sticky Buns - Mom's Story (Tom Culligan)

Category : History


Format : hardcover

256 pages

ISBN : 0-9730250-0-X

Publisher : Culligan Publishing Limited 2002

Edition : First

Dimension : 242x184x20mm

Weight : 630g

Condition : like new

Book Summary :
A true story of grit, grief and glory of a mother's powerful devotion in raising nine children against the severest storms that life could throw at her. A very Canadian story grounded in the glorious landscape found along the North Shore of New Brunswick's Baie de Chaleur, Canada.