Star (Danielle Steel)


Star (Danielle Steel)

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Star (Danielle Steel)

Star (Danielle Steel)

Category :  Novel


Format :  Paperback

474 pages

ISBN :  0-440-20557-3

Publisher :  Dell Publishing 1990

Dimension :  172x105x35mm

Weight :  236g

Condition :  good

Book Summary : 

Young, innocent and strikingly beautiful Crystal Wyatt was an outcast, envied and resented by all but her devoted father, with whom she shared a deep love for their remote California ranch. When her father dies, Crystal is alone and unprotected. Devastating events shake the once peaceful valley. With nothing but her dreams, her beauty, and her awe-inspiring voice, Crystal escapes to embark on the career that will ultimately make her a star. But stardom itself is shadowed by danger and violence and haunted by a memory that must be resolved before Crystal can find happiness and peace.