Smash! Crash! (Jon Scieszka)


Smash! Crash! (Jon Scieszka)

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Smash! Crash! (Jon Scieszka)

Smash! Crash! (Jon Scieszka)

Category :  Youth


Format :  Paperback

40 pages

ISBN :  0-545-15163-5

ISBN 13 :  978-0-545-15163-4

Publisher :  Scholastic 2009

Dimension :  230x230x3mm

Weight :  106g

Condition :  good

Comments :  one corner is folded

Book Summary : 

Jack Truck and his best friend Dump Truck Dan are spending the day doing their favourite thing...Smashing and Crashing throughout the whole town! Along the way they meet up with their friends and give us a rollicking tour! But when a mysterious shadow falls over them and a strange voice calls, could the smashing, crashing duo be in trouble? Or has a new friend come to town to join in all the smashing fun?