Rose Madder (Stephen King)


Rose Madder (Stephen King)

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Rose Madder (Stephen King)

Rose Madder (Stephen King)

Category :  Novel


Format :  Hardcover

420 pages

ISBN :  0-670-85869-2

Publisher :  Viking 1995

Edition :  1st

Dimension :  243x162x34mm

Weight :  784g

Condition :  very good

Condition :  very good

Book Summary : 

Rosie Daniels flees from her husband, Norman after fourteen years in an abusive marriage. During one bout of violence, Norman caused Rosie to miscarry their only child. Escaping to a distant city, Rosie establishes a new life and forges new relationships. Norman Daniels, a police officer with a reputation for cruelty, uses his law-enforcement connections to track his wayward wife.