Race Against Time (Stephen Lewis)


Race Against Time (Stephen Lewis)

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Race Against Time (Stephen Lewis)

Race Against Time (Stephen Lewis)

Category :  Others/Miscellaneous


Format :  Paperback

198 pages

ISBN :  0-88784-733-1

Publisher :  Anansi 2005

Edition :  1st

Dimension :  202x130x14mm

Weight :  249g

Condition :  very good

Book Summary : 

"I have spent the last four years watching people die." With these wrenching words, humanitarian Stephen Lewis begins his personal, often searing insider's account of Africa's plight and the wealthy world's betrayal. Lewis recounts how in 2000, global leaders agreed to eight Millennium Development Goals, promising the poor such essentials as primary education, basic health and a reversal of AIDS by 2015. In audacious prose, alive with anecdotes ranging from maddening to hilarious to heart-breaking, Lewis shows why and how the promises can't be kept. Race Against Time probes the appalling gap between vision and current reality, but also offers bracingly attainable solutions.