Pattie Pitter - She Hates Litter! (Jill Hickey)


Pattie Pitter - She Hates Litter! (Jill Hickey)

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Pattie Pitter - She Hates Litter! (Jill Hickey)

Pattie Pitter - She Hates Litter! (Jill Hickey)

Category :  kids  


Format :  paperback

24 pages

ISBN :  1-895415-66-7

Publisher :  Breton Books 2001

Edition :  1st

Dimension :  205x205x3mm

Weight :  85g

Condition :  good

Book Summary :  Pattie Pitter HATES LITTER. She picks up everyone’s candy wrappers and pop cans. But no one wants to help. So, Pattie quits. Soon the school is filled with garbage and the schoolyard is buried. NOW everyone is ready to help! .