My Favorite Dinosaurs (John Sibbick)


My Favorite Dinosaurs (John Sibbick)

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My Favorite Dinosaurs (John Sibbick)

My Favorite Dinosaurs (John Sibbick)

Category :  Youth


Format :  Paperback

32 pages

ISBN :  0-439-82801-5

Publisher :  Scholastic 2005

Edition :  1st

Dimension :  230x230x3mm

Weight :  98g

Condition :  good

Book Summary : 

Everyone has a favorite dinosaur! Some like the the sharp-toothed, meat-eating predators. That means Tyrannosaurus rex or the sickle-clawed Deinonychus. Others like the plant-eating giants, the massive Apatosaurus (formerly Brontosaurus) or the towering Brachiosaurus. These are just a few of the specimens in this colorful book illustrated by National Geographic' s famous artist John Sibbick. On vibrant two-page spreads, Sibbick shows these formidable creatures in detailed, action-filled paintings in their natural habitats. The text by Ruth Ashby including pronunciations and definitions, weight, length, diet, era, and global distribution adds intriguing backstory to these exciting tableaux of old friends and new favorites.