Made in Canada (Bryan Adams)


Made in Canada (Bryan Adams)

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Made in Canada (Bryan Adams)

Made in Canada (Bryan Adams)

Category :  Others/Miscellaneous


Format :  Paperback

218 pages

ISBN :  1-55263-071-4

Publisher :  Key Porter  Books 1999

Edition :  1st

Dimension :  305x230x10mm

Weight :  618g

Condition :  very good

Book Summary :

Preface by Margaret Atwood. In one incredible volume, international rock star and celebrity artist Bryan Adams presents a selection of his stunning black and white photographs of well-known Canadian women in a unique tribute presented by Flare Magazine. The women photographed for this book are women of achievement who represent beauty in its truest sense - the beauty of strength and intelligence that goes beyond the surface. Each of these women has generously given of their time and their name to support breast cancer research. Some of the subjects are: - June Callwood - Pamela Wallin - Alice Munro - Pamela Anderson Lee - Joni Mitchell - Margaret Atwood - Linda Evangelista - Genevieve Bujold - Kim Campbell - Shania Twain - Roberta Bondar - Jan Wong - Celine Dion - Margaret Trudeau Kemper.