Don't Cry Now (Joy Fielding)


Don't Cry Now (Joy Fielding)

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Don't Cry Now (Joy Fielding)

Don't Cry Now (Joy Fielding)

Category :  Novel


Format :  Paperback

471 pages

ISBN :  0-7704-2721-9

Publisher :  Seal Books 2003

Dimension :  175x105x30mm

Weight :  233g

Condition :  good

Book Summary : 

Bonnie Wheeler had a picture-perfect life: a rewarding job as a school teacher, a happy marriage to a successful TV director, a sprawling suburban home, and Amanda, her adorable three-year-old daughter. She'd heard the sordid details about her husband's ex-wife, Joan -- the drinking, the instability. Then Joan calls her with a cryptic warning -- you're in danger, you and Amanda. But when Joan is found murdered and Bonnie is the prime suspect, she knows this is no game. Suddenly her secure world comes crashing down around her. Things she once believed in are lies. People she thought she knew have shocking secrets to reveal. Desperate to know who intends to harm her daughter, Bonnie is caught in a frantic race to keep Amanda safe -- even as she feels her own grasp on reality slipping...