Cloud over paradise (Abra Taylor)


Cloud over paradise (Abra Taylor)

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Cloud over paradise (Abra Taylor)

Cloud over paradise (Abra Taylor)

Collection :  Superromance

Category :  Novel


Format :  Paperback

380 pages

ISBN :  0-373-70005-9

Publisher :  Harlequin Books 1982

Dimension :  172x105x28mm

Weight :  200g

Condition :  good

Book Summary : 

It was in Tahiti airport that Marisa began to have doubts. That's when she found that Antoine de Vigny had tricked her. Her furious protests were brushed aside; Marisa couldn't deny she'd jumped at the job. Because she thought it seemed easy, because she needed the money -- she had agreed to a temporary engagement. But no way would she have come four thousand miles to marry a total stranger! "Exactly." Antoine said smoothly. "I didn't think you would. Yet I'm sure you'll forgive me when I explain..."