Challenging Puzzles for Word Fanatics (George Bredehorn)


Challenging Puzzles for Word Fanatics (George Bredehorn)

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Challenging Puzzles for Word Fanatics (George Bredehorn)

Challenging Puzzles for Word Fanatics (George Bredehorn)

Category :  other


Format :  paperback

96 pages

ISBN :  1-4027-4307-6

ISBN 13 :  978-1-4027-4307-8

Publisher :  Sterling Publishing Co., Inc. 2001

Dimension :  210x137x8mm

Weight :  155g

Condition :  very good

Comments :  unmarked

Book Summary : 

This one of the best puzzle books imaginable. Has been rated as being better than the NYT Sunday Puzzles. This is a fun and challenging book.