Cajun French 1 (James Donald Faulk)


Cajun French 1 (James Donald Faulk)

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Cajun French 1 (James Donald Faulk)

Cajun French 1 (James Donald Faulk)

Category :  Dictionary (Vintage)


Format :  Hardcover

275 pages

Publisher :  The Cajun Press 1977

Edition :  1st

Dimension :  285x218x30mm

Weight :  1354g

Condition :  good

Comments :  book signed by the author

Book Summary :

Cajun French I: The First Written Record and Definitive Study of the Cajun Language as Spoken by the People in Vermilion and Surrounding Parishes -
The word "Cajun" is a corruption of the word "Acadian." This term refers to a person descended from the people who were expelled from Nova Scotia, then known as "Acadia," in 1755. The word is accepted today to denote a person of this heritage as well as the language spoken by these people in Louisiana and which is deeply rooted in the linguistic pattern of 17th century French. The purpose of this book is not only to provide a means for effective communication, but also the help preserve a heritage that is well on its way to oblivion.