Betrayed (Ann El-Nemr)


Betrayed (Ann El-Nemr)

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Betrayed (Ann El-Nemr)

Betrayed (Ann El-Nemr)

Category :  Novel


Format :  paperback

221 pages

ISBN 13 :  978-1-939289-30-8

Publisher :  Little Creek Books 2013

Dimension :  217x140x15mm

Poids :  284g

Condition :  very good

Comments :  title page missing

Book Summary : 

Ron Rian's sole desire is to marry his only son, Bernard, to another prominent family, to gain an heir to the Rian fortune. But Bernard has a different agenda -he falls in love with Gabrielle, a foreigner vacationing in the United States with a friend. Gabrielle is not Bernard's social equal and is a mystery to Ron. He enlists his security officer to investigate and identify this woman. As Gabrielle returns to her work and life in Canada, Bernard uncovers his father's spy tactics and confronts him. But who is this woman who has stolen Bernard's heart? Will his father put an end to their romance permanently? Can Bernard reach Gabrielle? Or is it too late?