Beauty and the Beast (Unknown Author)


Beauty and the Beast (Unknown Author)

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Beauty and the Beast (Unknown Author)

Beauty and the Beast (Unknown Author)

Category :  kids


Format :  hardcover

96 pages

ISBN :  0-88665-126-3

Publisher :  W H Smith Publishers 1991

Dimension :  293x217x17mm

Weight :  642g

Condition :  very good

Book Summary : 

Belle is a sensitive and imaginative young girl who spends her days immersed in reading. Only Maurice, her father, a wacky inventor, counts in her life. One day when the latter gets lost in the forest, he takes refuge in a castle to escape a pack of wolves. Angered by his intrusion, the master of the place, the Beast, throws him into a dungeon. To save her father, Belle agrees to be held prisoner in his place.