Bear Listens (Robert Cutting)


Bear Listens (Robert Cutting)

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Bear Listens (Robert Cutting)

Bear Listens (Robert Cutting)

Category :  Youth


Format :  Paperback

16 pages

ISBN 13 :  978-1-89491-513-7

Publisher :  Rubicon 2011

Edition :  1st

Dimension :  205x153x3mm

Weight :  48g

Condition :  very good

Book Summary : 

In this story, Bear shows wisdom as he listens to the world around him. The simplicity of the story serves to emphasize the importance of the lessons to be learned from the Sun, Water, Trees, Mother Earth, and Moon. These aspects of nature are personified to make concrete what they have to teach. The connections between listening and learning, and the resulting path to wisdom, are made explicit in Bear Listens.