Aliens in the Basement (Suzan Reid)


Aliens in the Basement (Suzan Reid)

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Aliens in the Basement (Suzan Reid)

Aliens in the Basement (Suzan Reid)

Category :  youth


Format :  paperback

83 pages

ISBN :  0-590-12392-0

Publisher :  Scholastic Canada Ltd. 1997

Edition :  1st

Dimension :  194x134x7mm

Weight :  81g

Condition :  fine

Comments :  writing inside

Book Summary : 

Down in the basement, in the old school, something weird is going on.
First there are the strange voices coming from the janitor's room.  Then come secret messages, a mysterious van - and funny things floating in jars…
What on earth is happening at Fulton Street School?  Matt and Jaime had better find out!